A couple weeks ago, Marilyn and I walked by our entrance during our morning walk. We found a bunch of yellow and purple heads of crocuses. Every winter, this is the moment my heart gets lit up. "Marilyn, look! Crocuses are ready to bloom! Spring is coming." She was busy checking out the fire hydrant. My voice never reached her ears. That's ok. She is not so much flower kind of a girl. Anyway, crocus is the first sign of spring. It's also a cue to explore the yard to find more signs. I get excited whenever I find small green spots on the brown ground. This time, I found tulip buds, columbine's tiny leaves, snowdrops and bunch of chipmunk holes and three woodchuck holes. It seems I need to talk to them. I like having them in the yard, but holes are not cool.
When a day is getting longer, I cannot help thinking all kinds of gardening activities. It is exciting to think about what I want to do until the air gets cold again. And, my list keeps growing, ... making a garden around the fountain, building borders for the kitchen garden, replacing the fences, giving the strawberry permanent home, making a privacy covering with clematis, adding some bushes around the bird feeder for wild birds, and etc.
I originally planned to spend this year to prepare flower beds and kitchen garden. Borders and soil for them need to be set up. Then, a moment of spring madness or a cabin fever hit me. Oh well, I ended up ordering a bunch of perennials. How can you resist ordering them when you look all kinds of colors, shapes and textures in catalogs? I'd better start working in the yard now. They will be delivered soon.
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