Passing on from the Past

The wall looked lonely. So, I framed old crochets. Here my flea market finds come in handy. Now, the room got a life. It has a feel of living. It looks more inviting.

This one was found at a flea market. It was only a couple of dollars. That was a bargain. Crochets are usually not cheap even at a flea market. Not sure if it's vintage or not, but I like the pattern.

This is more delicate than the other one. I found it at an antique shop in Concord where we stop by whenever we visit the town. It has some damages, but it's ok. I still like it.

Whenever I get antiques, I don't care how valuable the item is. Of course I care how much damage it causes me. What I mean is it's not necessarily something expensive to make you please. I make sure I like the item, I would enjoy it for a long time, and I appreciate its existence today. There is a great chance I would never meet the item by burring in the past. For some people, collecting antiques is a part of their investment. To me, they are something lighting up my life. It's a sense of sharing something with people I never know beyond time. I like things you can feel somebody who owned the item used it in his/her life. It could be some worn-out, dents, or scratches. They tell you that it was used over and over by its owner, and stimulate my imagination to picture how their lives were like.

The crochets are pinned down with T-pins. Ready for mounting. They are going to be sewn down to the mats. Crochets are easy to mount. The great thing is it's hard to find the mounted points at a glance. The background colors set different moods. It is very interesting how colors play their role.

Then, they are framed. Some damages shown before are fixed. Thanks to Kristen for training me for framing. Their frames and mats are in similar shades. That helps the details of the crochets standing out. They used to be put under vases or on tables with something on the top of them. Now, they are in the center of the attention. The work somebody did in the past is showing off. They are now story tellers of somebody's beautiful hand work.

I'll talk a little more about the guest room. There are two doors on the other side of the wall from the bed. They are both closet doors. One is a closet for this room. The other one is a closet for the next room over the wall. When you open this door, there is another door. The door takes you the next room. But, what's the point? The room is not big. It's not a big deal to go to the next room through the hallway.

The family of the first owner of this house had a sick family member. This guest room was originally for the nurse stayed in the house for that person. The owner made a shortcut for her to get to the person quickly whenever the person needed her. A little piece of the history of the house and the family lived in, which Virginia, the previous owner, told us. I don't know what happened to the family member, but I hope the person recovered by their loving and thoughtful support.

Discovering stories like this is great about living in an old house. It's not pleasing to hear about a sick person considering his/her suffering, but you see how his/her family cared about the person, and hoped his/her recovery from the story. The house is not just a house. Histories of the families make the house a home, a place they had their lives. I look forward to finding more stories.
